Help:Distros and DEs using Openbox

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Any distro can have Openbox added. The following are released with Openbox.


Desktop environments

LXDE-based distributions

Distributions that ship with Openbox

  • Arch linux - highly popular, with great community support and wiki regarding Openbox
  • PCLinuxOS - well regarded with special attention paid to Openbox and LXDE.
  • CrunchBang linux - Ubuntu based. Popular following, EEE PC version ("CrunchEEE"). Irregular releases. See also
  • Slitaz
  • TinyMe linux
  • CRUX
  • Boxpup, Puppy Linux with Openbox (not actively developed?)
  • SimpleLinux mini (sub 90 MB version) - may also be included as alternative WM in the next EXT version (which has XFCE as default). SimpleLinux is a Malaysion distro, derived from Slackware & Slax.
  • Ubuntu - generally has an out of date version, and with no Ubuntu-specific maintainer to ensure things work "out of the box".
  • Slackware - Openbox exists as a "Slackbuild"[1] ( is a community supported project... A SlackBuild build script contains the build instructions and a source download link for building a particular package for your system.)

