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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
03:36, 4 August 2008Arch ob.jpg (file)(thumbnail)101 KBHBd (Arch Linux + Openbox apps running: xfce4-panel, nitrogen, conky, nm-applet, transmission, sonata. modified Arch Blue OB theme, and modified Mire v2 GTK theme.)1
09:16, 3 August 2008Debian lenny Openbox (file)(thumbnail)1.43 MBSamarok (Debian lenny Openbox whith amarok pidgin xfce4-panel.)1
08:41, 29 June 20082560x1024 scrot.jpg (file)(thumbnail)148 KBMuunleit (Openbox 3.4.7 on an Archlinux; Backround from - GTK2-Theme: Elegant Mine - Icons: Ultimate Gnome - Panel: tint; showing epicview, Gimp, PacmanFM, vlc, urxvt, mcabber, conky, moc)1
16:24, 16 June 2008Shot.png (file)(thumbnail)209 KBTrapd00r (Ubuntu 8.04 , Openbox, Conky, Visibility, rxvt)1
16:35, 8 May 20082008-05-08-1024x768-Crunchbang.png (file)(thumbnail)447 KBMoralist (Crunchbang (Ubuntu with openbox) screenshot with the programs thunar and gnome-terminal (rtorrent, snownews, moc-player). Conky and tint was also visible.)1
19:05, 29 April 2008Openbox 30 04 08.jpg (file)(thumbnail)150 KBTpires (Openbox on Ubuntu Hardy Heron. Theme=Murrina_CarbonX;Icons=Black&White2Gloss;Wallpaper=Desktopography_2007Collection; Running conky system-monitor, emesene,gaim,streamtuner playing through audacious.)1
15:37, 18 April 2008Mendax-desktop.jpg (file)(thumbnail)82 KBMendax (Screenshot of my Ubuntu Hardy running on AMD64 3000+ with Openbox, Trayer, Conky, Audacious and Simdock.)1
03:25, 12 April 2008Desktop-2008-04-02.png (file)(thumbnail)1.33 MBAjmorris (My Desktop, current at 2nd April 2008)1
16:31, 7 April 2008Openbox 7 04 08.jpg (file)(thumbnail)163 KBTpires (Openbox @ 07/04/08 - Running conky, xmms, gnome-terminal with transparency, emesene,gaim and amule. hope u enjoy.)1
12:22, 28 March 2008Openbox 28 03 08.jpg (file)(thumbnail)203 KBTpires (Openbox 3.4 (theme TropicBomb ), pypanel, conky (myownconfig made by editing others) and VMWare Server running Windows Vista Business 64-bit (installing Adobe Flash CS3). Running all this on a Sony Vaio FZ21Z.)1
12:20, 28 March 2008Openbox3 28 03 08.jpg (file)(thumbnail)203 KBTpires (Openbox 3.4 (theme TropicBomb ), pypanel, conky (myownconfig made by editing others) and VMWare Server running Windows Vista Business 64-bit (installing Adobe Flash CS3). Running all this on a Sony Vaio FZ21Z.)1
22:16, 12 March 2008Openbox 130308.png (file)(thumbnail)1.06 MBTpires (openbox 3.4 running Ubuntu 7.10 on Sony Vaio FZ21Z. Running Firefox 2.0 , gnome-terminal (transset used to set transparency) and conky (actual .conkyrc is a mix of various scripts i've found). Wallpaper was found on a package of wallpapers made by pplware)1
20:58, 28 February 2008Openbox-inko.png (file)(thumbnail)637 KBInkoia (Debian Lenny - Openbox3 with Squadron theme and Phlat-Boogie GTK theme - Stalonetray - Fbpanel (pager and clock+xcalendar) - The Launcher in tray - Alltray docking Pcmanfm)3
00:07, 18 February 2008Screen.jpg (file)(thumbnail)99 KBM6 (w00t w00t)1
11:45, 12 February 2008Gnome-72.png (file)(thumbnail)7 KBMikachu (optipngd version)2
16:21, 10 February 2008Laen-screenshot-080210213623.jpg (file)(thumbnail)336 KBLaen (Screenshot of my nc6120 notebook running Gentoo Linux, at 10 Februari 2008, showing pidgin, urxvt, gmpc and conky on Openbox with the Dyne theme (slightly modified) and engine.)1
07:23, 10 February 2008Capture.png (file)(thumbnail)683 KBNiko (Debian Lenny with Openbox, lxpanel (dock) and pcmanfm ( for file management ))1
03:50, 2 February 2008Breakage.png (file)(thumbnail)1.36 MBBreakage (Openbox with custom Dyne theme. On Xubuntu. By Breakage)1
04:22, 29 January 2008Vector.jpg (file)(thumbnail)104 KBPibarnas (Archlinux: Openbox 3.4.5, conky, urxvt, screen, pypanel.)1
22:26, 31 December 2007OpenBox on blackPanther.jpg (file)(thumbnail)148 KBVector (Default OpenBox Solution on blackPanther OS Hungarian distribution)1
00:09, 9 December 2007Cowsay.png (file)(thumbnail)962 KBMikachu (pngcrushed version)2
11:49, 18 November 2007GagaPeter 001.png (file)(thumbnail)1.24 MBGagaPeter 1
18:33, 6 November 2007Screenshot-openbox-pretty-jrnorman.png (file)(thumbnail)169 KBMrnorms (Openbox with pypanel and xcompmgr. Irssi, thunar showing.)1
16:09, 20 October 2007Sreenopenbox2.png (file)(thumbnail)268 KBNico666 (OpenBox with fbpanel and idesk, runnning under ArchLinux. Discovery Kids Wallpaper Gartoon Icons TSCu_Comic font Thunar and Terminal )1
14:10, 20 October 2007Image-Ss October.png (file)(thumbnail)889 KBBrettRS (Openbox 3.4, pypanel, urxvt, xcompmgr, transset-df, firefox, pcman file manager)1
20:34, 29 August 2007Bug-72.png (file)(thumbnail)3 KBMikachu (dialog-warning.svg from gnome icons)2
20:32, 29 August 2007Lightbulb-72.png (file)(thumbnail)5 KBMikachu (dialog-information.svg from gnome icons)2
20:22, 29 August 2007Translate-72.png (file)(thumbnail)1 KBMikachu (Nicer font)2
04:16, 8 August 2007Flx-2007-08-08.3.png (file)(thumbnail)47 KBFelix C. Stegerman 1
12:52, 23 July 200720070723-1848.png (file)(thumbnail)968 KBKlausman (OB 3.4.2 with urxvt, conky, vlc and psi. True transparency (xcompmgr) enabled. Theme is ldc.)1
17:39, 17 July 2007FreeBSD Ob3.4-20070717.png (file)(thumbnail)74 KBOlivier (Openbox on FreeBSD using ipager, pypanel, conky, beep-media-player, bmp-rootvis with a simple theme and wallpaper.)1
13:23, 17 July 2007Screenshot-43.png (file)(thumbnail)136 KBMrnorms (Openbox 3.4.2 with a theme by mrnorms, conky, and gnome-terminal.)1
18:03, 15 July 2007Donnie-2007-07-15.png (file)(thumbnail)777 KBDonnie (Conky, tilda, epiphany and docker with tranparency and drop shadows in Cukoo Spit theme on Ubuntu background.)1
17:07, 3 July 2007Openbox chg.jpg (file)(thumbnail)113 KBChangs (Openbox 3.4.2, urxvt, irssi. conky, minipager.)1
08:45, 3 July 200714-42.png (file)(thumbnail)375 KBVluid (openbox, conky, docker, visibility, wbar, rox, gmusicbrowser, rxvt and some other stuff.)1
17:37, 29 June 20072007-06-29-233539 1280x1024 scrot.png (file)(thumbnail)305 KBRoberth (Minimalistic plain Openbox with conky and docker, with the Simple theme. By Roberth)1
17:25, 29 June 20072007-06-29.jpg (file)(thumbnail)1.74 MBSysrq 1
05:50, 25 June 20072007-06-25.png (file)(thumbnail)296 KBZ3ppelin (Gnome with openbox as wm, gedit for scripts editing, screen and zsh for work.)1
10:28, 24 June 2007Openzen13.png (file)(thumbnail)361 KBBonzodog (Openbox 3.4 on Zenwalk Linux 4.6.1, showing Firefox open, with urxvt,Audacious, and Conky, using the Zekton Font. ob theme is "m0nst4-sky" )1
18:40, 23 June 2007Arch-openbox-rss.jpg (file)(thumbnail)114 KBB (Openbox on Arch Linux, using Xfce 4 panel. Showing off the RSS pipe menu :))1
15:45, 21 June 2007Boxw.png (file)(thumbnail)375 KBCrimeboy 1
16:59, 9 June 2007Ss OnyxTheme.png (file)(thumbnail)231 KBDanaJansens 3
23:29, 8 June 2007Greenw.png (file)(thumbnail)297 KBSysrq (pngcrushed version)2
23:29, 8 June 2007Scrot smoon.png (file)(thumbnail)226 KBSysrq (pngcrushed version)2
23:28, 8 June 2007Ss postlogic01.png (file)(thumbnail)120 KBSysrq (pngcrushed version)2
23:27, 8 June 2007Sodio.png (file)(thumbnail)212 KBSysrq (pngcrushed version)2
23:14, 8 June 2007Sysrq-2006-11-03.png (file)(thumbnail)253 KBSysrq (pngcrushed version to save space.)2
17:28, 7 June 2007Dct screenshot.jpg (file)(thumbnail)251 KBDestruct (Openbox with some proggs :))1
16:30, 7 June 2007OgMaciel 20070607.png (file)(thumbnail)1.38 MBOgMaciel (Openbox with Totem, Dates, Tasks, Drivel, PyPanel, and UbuntuStudio theme.)1
15:32, 7 June 2007GNOMELogout.png (file)(thumbnail)66 KBDanaJansens 1

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