Openbox:Pipemenus:MPD control

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(Created page with "right A menu to control MPD - it uses the mpc client. This menu '''consists of two files''' - the actual menu (mpdmenu) and the script (mpdctrl)...")
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A menu to control MPD - it uses the mpc client. This menu '''consists of two files''' - the actual menu (mpdmenu) and the script (mpdctrl) that achieves most of the functionality. Both need to be executable. The script needs to be in your PATH (or you would need to specify the full path to it everywhere in the code of mpdmenu.
A menu to control MPD - it uses the mpc client. This menu '''consists of two files''' - the actual menu (mpdmenu) and the script (mpdctrl) that achieves most of the functionality. Both need to be executable.  
Most of the functions (add/remove/import/export etc.) depend on one of gtkdialog/matedialog/zenity being installed.
The script needs to be in your PATH (or you would need to specify the full path to it everywhere in the code of mpdmenu.
== mpdmenu: ==
== mpdmenu: ==

Revision as of 09:55, 10 November 2014


A menu to control MPD - it uses the mpc client. This menu consists of two files - the actual menu (mpdmenu) and the script (mpdctrl) that achieves most of the functionality. Both need to be executable. Most of the functions (add/remove/import/export etc.) depend on one of gtkdialog/matedialog/zenity being installed. The script needs to be in your PATH (or you would need to specify the full path to it everywhere in the code of mpdmenu.


# A pipe menu for openbox to control MPD.
# Depends on mpc and an additional script mpdctrl.
# All the functionality of mpdctrl can be incorporated into this script (as is done with the playlist submenu),
# but this way, it can be used independently of this menu in a complementary way to mpc.
# mpdctrl should be in your PATH
# to do:
# sorting of playlist
use Cwd 'abs_path';

use subs print_plst, separator, end_menu;
sub item ($$);
sub say { print @_, "\n"; }

# path to this script needed because it calls itself to create the playlist submenu
my $path = abs_path $0;

########################################## CONFIGURATION #########################################

our $mpd_client = 'urxvt -geometry 202x87 -e ncmpcpp';
our $start_cmd = ;
our $stop_cmd = ;


chomp (our $pid = `pidof mpd`);
our $status;
our $curr_song;
our $curr_song_elapsed;
our $curr_song_pos;
our $repeat;
our $random;
our $single;
our $consume;
our $crossfade;
our $volume;

# if MPD is running, get info on playlist
if ( $pid ) {
    my $song_format = '%composer% - |%performer% - |%album% - ][%title%]|[%file%';
    chomp (my @stats = split /\n/, `mpc -f '$song_format'`);
    if ( $stats[1] ) {
	$status = $stats[1] =~ s/\[(\w)(\w*)\].*/\U$1\L$2/r;
	$curr_song = $stats[0];
	($curr_song_pos, $curr_song_elapsed) = (split /\s+/, $stats[1])[1,2];
	$curr_song_pos =~ s/^#//;
    } else {
	$status = 'Stopped';
    ($stats[2] || $stats[0]) =~ m/repeat:\s*(?<repeat>[a-z]+)\s+
    ($repeat, $random, $single, $consume) = ($+{repeat}, $+{random}, $+{single}, $+{consume});
    chomp ($crossfade = `mpc crossfade`);
    $crossfade =~ s/crossfade:\s*//;
    chomp ($volume = `mpc volume`);
    $volume =~ s/volume:\s*//;
} else {
    $status = 'Off';

# print playlist submenu and exit if arg 1 is pls
print_plst if "$ARGV[0]" eq 'pls';

# otherwise, start printing the main menu
say "<openbox_pipe_menu>";

# if MPD is not running, print "start" option and exit; else determine status and set playlist menu label
if ( $status eq 'Off' ) {
    unless ( $start_cmd ) {
	separator "MPD is not running!";
    item 'Run MPD', $start_cmd;

# print playback status
    my $title = $status . ( $status eq 'Stopped' ?  : " $curr_song_pos: $curr_song ($curr_song_elapsed)" );
# unless playlist is empty, print it as menu, otherwise - just put a separator with the status
    if ( `mpc playlist` ) {
	say "<menu id=\"pls\" label=\"$title\" execute=\"$path pls\" />";
    } else {
	separator $title;

# set volume
item "Set volume (currently: $volume)", "mpdctrl vol";

# play/pause song
if ( $status eq 'Playing') {
    item 'Pause', 'mpc toggle';
} else {
    item 'Play', 'mpc toggle';

# stop playback
item 'Stop', 'mpc stop' unless $status eq 'Stopped';

# play song/playlist from the beginning
item 'Play song from beginning', 'mpc seek 0';
item 'Restart playlist', 'mpc play 1';

# play next/previous song
unless ( $status eq 'Stopped' ) {
    item 'Next', 'mpc next';
    item 'Previous', 'mpc prev';

# toggle "single mode"
if ( $single eq 'off' ) {
    item 'Stop after current song', 'mpc single';
} else {
    item 'Continue after current song', 'mpc single';

# toggle "repeat mode"
if ( $repeat eq 'off' ) {
    item 'Repeat playlist', 'mpc repeat';
} else {
    item 'Do not repeat playlist', 'mpc repeat';

# toggle "random mode"
if (  $random eq 'off' ) {
    item 'Shuffle playlist', 'mpc random';
} else {
    item 'Do not shuffle playlist', 'mpc random';

# toggle "consume mode"
if (  $consume eq 'off' ) {
    item 'Start consuming played songs', 'mpc consume';
} else {
    item 'Stop consuming played songs', 'mpc consume';

# set crossfade
item "Disable crossfade (currently: $crossfade)", 'mpc crossfade 0' unless $crossfade == 0;
item 'Set crossfade', 'mpdctrl cross';

# import/export playlist
item 'Import playlist', 'mpdctrl import';
item 'Export playlist', 'mpdctrl export';

# add files to playlist
item 'Append files to playlist', 'mpdctrl add';
item 'Insert files at current position', 'mpdctrl ins';

# move songs
item 'Move songs to another position', 'mpdctrl mv';

# remove songs from playlist
if ( $status eq 'Stopped' ) {
    item 'Remove current song from playlist', 'mpc del 1';
} else {
    item 'Remove current song from playlist', 'mpc del 0';
item 'Remove songs from playlist', 'mpdctrl del';

# clear playlist
item 'Clear playlist', 'mpc clear';
item 'Clear all but the current song', 'mpc crop' unless $status eq 'Stopped';

# run client
item 'Run MPD client', $mpd_client if $mpd_client;

# update database
item 'Update database', 'mpc update';

# shutdown MPD
item 'Kill MPD', $stop_cmd if $stop_cmd;


########################################### SUBROUTINES ##########################################

# playlist submenu (called by passing a 'pls' argument to this script)
sub print_plst {
    my $song_format = '[%position%. ]%composer% - |%performer% - |%album% - ][%title%]|[%file%[ (%time%)]';
    chomp (my @pls = split /\n/, `mpc -f '$song_format' playlist`);
    say "<openbox_pipe_menu>";
    for ( @pls ) {
# replace some special characters by their html codes	
	$_ =~ s/&/&/g;
	$_ =~ s/"/"/g;
	$_ =~ s/\$/$/g;
	$_ =~ s/</</g;
	$_ =~ s/=/=/g;
	$_ =~ s/>/>/g;
	$_ =~ s/\\/\/g;
# replace the underscore with a double underscore in the label to prevent openbox from interpreting it as a keyboard accelerator
	$_ =~ s/_/__/g;
	item $_, 'mpc play ' . $_ =~ s/^(\d+).*/$1/r;

# print a separator
sub separator {
    if ( @_ ) {
	my $label = shift;
	say "<separator label=\"$label\" />";
    } else {
	say "<separator />";
    return 1;

# print an item
sub item ($$) {
    my $label = shift;
    my $cmd = shift;
    say "  <item label=\"$label\">";
    say "    <action name=\"Execute\">";
    say "      <execute>";
    say "        $cmd";
    say "      </execute>";
    say "    </action>";
    say "  </item>";
    return 1;

# end the main menu
sub end_menu {
    say "</openbox_pipe_menu>";
    exit 0;


# Additional functions to control MPD. Needs Perl::Capture::Tiny, mpc and one of gtkdialog, matedialog, zenity.

use Capture::Tiny ':all';
use File::Basename;
# use IO::CaptureOutput qw/capture_exec/;
# my $rc = eval
# {
#    require IO::CaptureOutput;
#    IO::CaptureOutput->import(capture_exec);
#    return 1;
# };
# print "Loaded." if $rc;
# exit 0;
use warnings;

sub add_files ($);
sub mv_files;
sub del_files;
sub set_crossfade;
sub set_volume;
sub import_pls;
sub export_pls;

sub get_mpd_dirs;
sub browse_music_dir (;$);
sub ls_dir ($);

sub get_installed_gtkdialog;
sub gtk_list ($);
sub gtk_list_gnome_mate;
sub gtk_list_gtkdialog;
sub gtk_savefile ($);
sub gtk_savefile_gnome_mate;
sub gtk_savefile_gtkdialog;
sub gtk_spinbutton ($);
sub gtk_dropdown_gnome_mate;
sub gtk_spinbutton_gtkdialog;
sub gtk_prompt ($);
sub gtk_prompt_gnome_mate;
sub gtk_prompt_gtkdialog;
sub gtk_scale ($);
sub gtk_scale_gnome_mate;
sub gtk_error ($);
sub gtk_error_gnome_mate;
sub gtk_error_gtkdialog;

sub get_playlist (;$);
sub export_pls_ext;
sub esc_chars ($);

our $DEBUG = 0; # INTERNAL

die "Provide exactly one argument!\n" unless @ARGV == 1;
die "Please install mpc" unless system ("which mpc") == 0;
# the functions require a gtkdialog tool
our $GTKDIALOG = get_installed_gtkdialog;
# our $GTKDIALOG = 'matedialog';

add_files 0 if "$ARGV[0]" eq "add";
add_files 1 if "$ARGV[0]" eq "ins";
mv_files if "$ARGV[0]" eq "mv";
del_files if "$ARGV[0]" eq "del";
set_crossfade if "$ARGV[0]" eq "cross";
set_volume if "$ARGV[0]" eq "vol";
import_pls if "$ARGV[0]" eq "import";
export_pls if "$ARGV[0]" eq "export";
die "Unsupported function $ARGV[0]\n";

######################################## MAIN SUBROUTINES ########################################

# Add songs to specified positions or the end of the playlist
sub add_files ($) {
    my $insert = shift;
    my $selection = browse_music_dir ('Add files');
    for ( @$selection ) {
	$_ = esc_chars $_;
	if ( $insert ) {
	    system ("mpc insert $_");
	} else {
	    system ("mpc add $_");
    exit 0;

# Move songs to a position
sub mv_files {
    my $playlist = get_playlist;
    my @selection = split /\|/, gtk_list {
	title => 'Select songs to move',
	entries => $playlist
    $_ =~ s/^(\d+).*/$1/ for @selection;
    print "@selection\n" if $DEBUG;
    my $maxpos = @$playlist + 1;
    my $target = 0;
    $target = gtk_spinbutton {
	title => 'Move songs',
	label => "Enter new position [1-$maxpos]:",
	min => 1,
	max => $maxpos
    } while ( $target < 1 || $target > $maxpos );
    my $iter = 0;
    @selection = sort { $a <=> $b } @selection;
    for ( 0 .. $#selection ) {
	if ( $selection[$_] >= $target ) {
	    $target +=  $_;
    for ( @selection ) {
	if ( $_ <= $target ) {
	    $_ -= $iter;
	} else {
	print "$_, $target\n" if $DEBUG;
	system ("mpc mv $_ $target");
    exit 0;

# Remove songs at positions
sub del_files {
    my $playlist = get_playlist;
    my @selection = split /\|/, gtk_list {
	title => 'Remove songs from playlist',
	entries => $playlist
    print "@selection\n" if $DEBUG;
    $_ =~ s/^(\d+).*/$1/ for @selection;
    my $iter = 0;
    for (sort { $a <=> $b } @selection) {
	my $del = $_ - $iter;
	system ("mpc del $del");
    exit 0;

# Set crossfade length
sub set_crossfade {
    my $length;
    $length = gtk_spinbutton {
	title => 'Set crossfade',
	label => 'Enter number of seconds to fade:',
	min => 0,
	max => 120
    system ("mpc crossfade $length");
    exit 0;

# Set volume
sub set_volume {
    chomp (my $volume = `mpc volume`);
    $volume =~ s/volume:\s*|%//g;
    $volume = gtk_scale {
	title => 'Set volume',
	label => 'Set MPD mixer volume in %:',
	min => 0,
	max => 100,
	default => $volume
    system ("mpc volume $volume");
    exit 0;

# Import playlist from a .m3u file
sub import_pls {
    chomp (my $playlists = `mpc lsplaylists`);
    my @selection = split /\|/, gtk_list {
	title => 'Import playlist',
	entries => [ split /\n/, $playlists ]
    if ( &get_playlist_length ) {
	my $clear = gtk_prompt {
	    title => 'Import playlist',
	    prompt => 'Clear current playlist before import?'
	system ("mpc clear") if $clear;
    system ("mpc load $_") for @selection;
    exit 0;

# Export playlist to a .m3u file
sub export_pls {
    exit 0 if export_pls_ext;
    my $file = gtk_savefile {
	title => 'Export playlist',
	label => 'Enter new name for .m3u playlist (without extension):'
    $file = esc_chars $file;
    system ("mpc save $file");
    gtk_error "Cannot save file, check playlist_directory permissions or whether file exists!" unless $? == 0;
    exit 0;

########################################## FILE HELPERS ##########################################

# Get MPD's music_dir and playlist_dir
sub get_mpd_dirs {
    my @args = split /\s+/, `ps -o args= -C mpd`;
    my $iter = 0;
    while ( $args[$iter] ) {
	# remove options from mpd's command line
	if ( $args[$iter] =~ m/^--/ ) {
	    splice @args, $iter ;
	} else {
    # if specified, config file is the second (and last element in the mpd's command line)
    my $config_file = $args[1];
    # if not specified, try to guess the config file
    $config_file = ( "$ENV{XDG_CONFIG_HOME}" || "$ENV{HOME}/.config") . "/mpd/mpd.conf" unless -f $config_file;
    $config_file = "$ENV{HOME}/.mpdconf" unless -f $config_file;
    $config_file = "/etc/mpd.conf" unless -f $config_file;
#    gtk_error "Cannot find MPD's configuration file!"
    return unless -f $config_file;
    open CONF, "$config_file" or return;
#    gtk_error "Cannot read '$config_file'!"
    my $music_dir;
    my $pls_dir;
    while ( <CONF> ) {
	if ( $_ =~ m/^\s* music_directory \s+ (?| \" ( [^\"]+ ) | ( [^ ]+ ) )/x ) {
	    $music_dir = $1;
	} elsif ( $_ =~ m/^\s* playlist_directory \s+ (?| \" ( [^\"]+ ) | ( [^ ]+ ) )/x ) {
	    $pls_dir = $1;
    close CONF;
    return [ $music_dir, $pls_dir ] if $music_dir or $pls_dir;

# Browse the music directory
sub browse_music_dir (;$) {
    my $title = shift;
    my $location = ;
    my $contents;
    while ( $contents = ls_dir $location ) {
	print "ls_dir returned @$contents\n" if $DEBUG;
	$_ = basename $_ for @$contents;
	# unless we're in the root directory, add '..' to the entries and a trailing / to $location
	if ( $location ) {
	    unshift @$contents, '..';
	    $location .= '/';
	my @selection = split /\|/, gtk_list {
	    title => $title,
	    label => ( $location || '/' ),
	    entries => $contents
	$_ = $location . $_ for @selection;
	if ( @selection > 1 ) {
	    @selection = grep { $_ !~ m:/\.\.$: } @selection;
	    return \@selection;
	$location = $selection[0];
	$location =~ s:/?[^/]+/\.\.$::;
	print "location: $location\n" if $DEBUG;
    print "final: $location\n" if $DEBUG;
    return [ $location ];

# Get files/dirs/playlists in a directory
sub ls_dir ($) {
    my $dir = shift;
    print "dir: $dir\n" if $DEBUG;
    my ($stdout, $exit_code) = capture_stdout { system ("mpc ls '$dir'"); };
#    my ($stdout, $stderr, $success, $exit_code) = capture_exec( mpc ls "$dir" );
    chomp $stdout;
    print "stdout: $stdout\n" if $DEBUG;
    # continue only if $dir was actually a directory
    return unless $exit_code == 0 && $stdout ne $dir;
    my @contents = sort split /\n/, $stdout;
    print "contents: @contents\n" if $DEBUG;
    # remove playlists from list
    my $iter = 0;
    while ( $contents[$iter] ) {
	my $file = $contents[$iter];
	$file = esc_chars $file;
	($stdout, $exit_code) = capture_stdout { system ("mpc ls $file"); };
	if ( $exit_code == 0 ) {
	} else {
	    splice @contents, $iter, 1;
    return \@contents;

########################################### GTK HELPERS ##########################################

# Determine which gtkdialog tool we'll use
sub get_installed_gtkdialog {
    my @choices = ('gtkdialog', 'matedialog', 'zenity');
    for ( @choices ) {
	return $_ if system ("which $_") == 0;
    die "Make sure that one of '" . ( join "', '", @choices) ."' is installed and in your PATH\n";

# Create a gtk list
sub gtk_list ($) {
    local $title = ${$_[0]}{title};
    local $label = ${$_[0]}{label};
    local @entries = @{${$_[0]}{entries}};
    print "\ntitle: $title\nlabel: $label\nentries:@entries\n\n" if $DEBUG;
    return gtk_list_gtkdialog if $GTKDIALOG eq 'gtkdialog';
    return gtk_list_gnome_mate if $GTKDIALOG =~ m/matedialog|zenity/;
# using matedialog/zenity
sub gtk_list_gnome_mate {
    my @entries = map { esc_chars $_ } @entries;
    chomp (my $selection = `$GTKDIALOG --width=500 --height=600 --title="$title" --list --text="$label" --column= --separator='|' --multiple --hide-header @entries 2>/dev/null`);
    die unless $selection;
    return $selection;
# using gtkdialog
sub gtk_list_gtkdialog {
    my @entries = map { $_ =~ s/'/'"'"'/gr } @entries;
    my $MAIN_DIALOG = '
<window title="' . $title . '" resizable="true" width-request="500" height-request="600">

  <hbox><tree selection_mode="multiple">
    <label>' . ( $label || '""' ) . '</label>

    $MAIN_DIALOG .= "<item>$_</item>\n" for @entries;

    $MAIN_DIALOG .= '    <action type="exit">OK</action>

    <button cancel></button>
    <button ok><action type="exit">OK</action></button>


    my $selection = `gtkdialog --stdin --center <<<\'$MAIN_DIALOG\' 2>/dev/null`;
    my $exit_status = ( $selection =~ m/EXIT="([^"]+)"/s )[0];
    $selection = ( $selection =~ m/SELECTION="([^"]+)"/s )[0];
    die unless $exit_status eq 'OK';
    $selection = join '|', (split /\n/, $selection);
    return $selection;

# Create a gtk 'save file' entry
sub gtk_savefile ($) {
    local $title = ${$_[0]}{title};
    local $label = ${$_[0]}{label};
    local $filters = ${$_[0]}{filters};
    local $base_dir = ${$_[0]}{base_dir};
    print "\ntitle: $title\nlabel: $label\nfilters:$filters\nbase_dir: $base_dir\n\n" if $DEBUG;
    return gtk_savefile_gtkdialog if $GTKDIALOG eq 'gtkdialog';
    return gtk_savefile_gnome_mate if $GTKDIALOG =~ m/matedialog|zenity/;
#using matedialog/zenity
sub gtk_savefile_gnome_mate {
    my $cmd;
    if ( $base_dir ) {
	$cmd = "$GTKDIALOG " . ( $label ?  : '--width="300" ' ) . "--title=\"$title\" --file-selection --filename=\"$base_dir\" ";
	$cmd .= "--file-filter='$_' " for ( split /:/, $filters );
	$cmd .= '--file-filter="*" --save --confirm-overwrite --separator="|"';

    } else {
	$cmd = "$GTKDIALOG " . ( $label ?  : '--width="300" ' ) . "--entry --title=\"$title\" --text=\"$label\"";
	chomp ($selection = `$GTKDIALOG  2>/dev/null`);
    chomp (my $selection = `$cmd 2>/dev/null`);
    die unless $selection;
    return $selection;
#using gtkdialog
sub gtk_savefile_gtkdialog {
    my $MAIN_DIALOG = '

<window title="' . $title . '" resizable="false" width-request="' . ( $label ? (length $label) * 8 : 300 ) . '" height-request="' . ( $label ? 100 : 70 ) . '">

    if ( $label ) {
<frame ' . $label . '>';

    $MAIN_DIALOG .= '
    <entry editable="true" accept="filename">
      <action signal="activate" type="exit">OK</action>

if ( $base_dir ) {
    $MAIN_DIALOG .= '
      <action type="fileselect">OUTPUT</action>
    $MAIN_DIALOG .= '
    $MAIN_DIALOG .= '</frame>' if $label;
    $MAIN_DIALOG .= '

    <button cancel></button>
    <button ok><action type="exit">OK</action></button>

    my $result = `gtkdialog --stdin --center <<<\'$MAIN_DIALOG\' 2>/dev/null`;
    my $output = ( $result =~ m/OUTPUT="([^"]*)"/s )[0];
    my $exit_status = ( $result =~ m/EXIT="([^"]+)"/s )[0];
    die unless $exit_status eq 'OK';
    return $output;

# Create a gtk spinbutton/dropdown
sub gtk_spinbutton ($) {
    local $title = ${$_[0]}{title};
    local $label = ${$_[0]}{label};
    local $min = ${$_[0]}{min} || 0;
    local $max = ${$_[0]}{max} || 120;
    local $start = ${$_[0]}{default} || 0;
    print "\ntitle: $title\nlabel: $label\nmin:$min\nmax: $max\nstart: $start\n\n" if $DEBUG;
    return gtk_spinbutton_gtkdialog if $GTKDIALOG eq 'gtkdialog';
    return gtk_dropdown_gnome_mate if $GTKDIALOG =~ m/matedialog|zenity/;
#using matedialog/zenity
sub gtk_dropdown_gnome_mate {
    my $cmd = "$GTKDIALOG --title=\"$title\" --entry --text=\"$label\" --entry-text=\"$start\"";
    $cmd .= " $_" for $min .. $max;
    chomp (my $selection = `$cmd 2>/dev/null`);
    $selection =~ s/\s*//;
    die unless $selection =~ m/\d+/;
    return $selection;
#using gtkdialog
sub gtk_spinbutton_gtkdialog {
    my $MAIN_DIALOG = '

<window title="' . $title . '" resizable="false" width-request="300" height-request="70">

  <hbox space-fill="false" space-expand="false">
    <text><label>' . ( $label || '""' ) . '</label></text>
    <spinbutton range-min="' . $min . '" range-max="' . $max . '" range-value="' . $start . '">

    <button cancel></button>
    <button ok><action type="exit">OK</action></button>

    my $result = `gtkdialog --stdin --center <<<\'$MAIN_DIALOG\' 2>/dev/null`;
    my $exit_status = ( $result =~ m/EXIT="([^"]+)"/s )[0];
    my $result = ( $result =~ m/SELECTION="([^"]*)"/s )[0];
    die unless $exit_status eq 'OK';
    return $result;

# Create a gtk prompt
sub gtk_prompt ($) {
    local $title = ${$_[0]}{title};
    local $label = ${$_[0]}{prompt};
    print "\ntitle: $title\nlabel: $label\n\n" if $DEBUG;
    return gtk_prompt_gtkdialog if $GTKDIALOG eq 'gtkdialog';
    return gtk_prompt_gnome_mate if $GTKDIALOG =~ m/matedialog|zenity/;
#using matedialog/zenity
sub gtk_prompt_gnome_mate {
    system("$GTKDIALOG --question --title=\"$title\" --text=\"$label\" 2>/dev/null");
    return $?;
#using gtkdialog
sub gtk_prompt_gtkdialog {
    my $MAIN_DIALOG = '

<window title="' . $title . '" resizable="false" width-request="300" height-request="100">

  <hbox space-expand="true">
    <text><label>' . ( $label || '""' ) . '</label></text>

    <button cancel></button>
    <button yes><action type="exit">YES</action></button>
    <button no><action type="exit">NO</action></button>

    my $result = `gtkdialog --stdin --center <<<\'$MAIN_DIALOG\' 2>/dev/null`;
    my $exit_status = ( $result =~ m/EXIT="([^"]+)"/s )[0];
    return if $exit_status eq 'NO';
    return 1 if $exit_status eq 'YES';

# Create a gtk scale box
sub gtk_scale ($) {
    local $title = ${$_[0]}{title};
    local $label = ${$_[0]}{label};
    local $min = ${$_[0]}{min} || 0;
    local $max = ${$_[0]}{max} || 100;
    local $start = ${$_[0]}{default} || 0;
    local $step = ${$_[0]}{step} || 1;
    print "\ntitle: $title\nlabel: $label\nmin:$min\nmax: $max\nstart: $start\nstep: $step\n\n" if $DEBUG;
    return gtk_spinbutton_gtkdialog if $GTKDIALOG eq 'gtkdialog';
    return gtk_scale_gnome_mate if $GTKDIALOG =~ m/matedialog|zenity/;
#using matedialog/zenity
sub gtk_scale_gnome_mate {
    chomp (my $selection = `$GTKDIALOG --scale --title="$title" --text="$label" --min-value=$min --max-value=$max --step=$step --value=$start 2>/dev/null`);
    die unless $selection;
    return $selection;

# Show a gtk error dialog and exit
sub gtk_error ($) {
    local $error = shift;
    gtk_error_gtkdialog if $GTKDIALOG eq 'gtkdialog';
    gtk_error_gnome_mate if $GTKDIALOG =~ m/matedialog|zenity/;
# using matedialog/zenity
sub gtk_error_gnome_mate {
    system ("$GTKDIALOG --error --title=\"Error\" --text=\"$error\" 2>/dev/null");
# using gtkdialog
sub gtk_error_gtkdialog {
    my $MAIN_DIALOG = '

<window title="Error" resizable="false" width-request="300" height-request="150">

  <hbox space-expand="true">
      <text><label>' . $error . '</label></text>

    <button ok></button>

    system("gtkdialog --stdin --center <<<\'$MAIN_DIALOG\' 2>/dev/null");

######################################## MISC SUBROUTINES ########################################

# Get MPD's playlist
sub get_playlist (;$) {
    my $song_format = shift || '[%position%. ]%composer% - |%performer% - |%album% - ][%title%]|[%file%[ (%time%)]';
    chomp (my $playlist = `mpc -f '$song_format' playlist`);
    return [ split /\n/, $playlist ];
sub get_playlist_length {
    return scalar @{[ split /\n/, `mpc playlist` ]};

# Export playlist to a .m3u file
sub export_pls_ext {
    my ( $music_dir, $pls_dir ) = @{&get_mpd_dirs};
    print "music dir: $music_dir\npls dir: $pls_dir\n" if $DEBUG;
    $music_dir = "$ENV{HOME}/music" unless $music_dir;
    $pls_dir = "$ENV{HOME}/.mpd/playlists" unless $pls_dir;
#    gtk_error "Cannot determine MPD's playlist_directory!"
    return unless -d $pls_dir;
    $music_dir .= '/' if $music_dir and not $music_dir =~ m|/$|;
    $pls_dir .= '/' unless $pls_dir =~ m|/$|;
    $pls_dir = esc_chars $pls_dir;
    my $file = gtk_savefile {
	title => 'Export playlist',
	filters => '*.m3u:*.pls',
	base_dir => $pls_dir
    $file .= '.m3u' unless $file =~ m|\.m3u$|;
    open PLS, ">$file" or gtk_error "Can't write to $file!";
    my $playlist = get_playlist('%file%');
    for ( @$playlist ) {
	print PLS $music_dir . $_ . "\n";
    close PLS;
    return 1;

# Escape some special characters in bash
sub esc_chars ($) {
    my $str = shift;
    $str =~ s/(\ |'|"|`|!|\^|&|\$|\*|>|<|=|\\|\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\})/\\$1/g;
    return $str;