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Smoking has always been bad for our health, especially our lungs. It also puts loved ones who get the second-hand smoke in a more risky situation since second-hand smoke is worse than the smoke a smoker gets from his cigar. A smoker has a filter, people around him don't. Despite of all the negativities smoking brings, it is such a wonder why people continue to smoke. Even those who have not much money to spend manage to find a budget allotment for this guilty pleasure. Fortunately, someone with a bright mind developed a solution for the good of the people who just can't let go of this burning stick and came up with the njoy electronic cigarette. But now, people wonder, what are the top rated electronic cigarettes? If you are new to the concept of electronic cigarettes (widely known as e-cigarettes), it is important to know its major features and purpose before getting one. Ideally, you must get one of the top rated electric cigarettes even if it's first time to use one since these are designed for long term use. It is made to produce vapor instead of real health-damaging smoke. It is more expensive than the usual cigarette sticks since it is designed for repeated use. You can buy different flavors for different refills on you electronic cigarette depending on your preference. It also allows you to smoke in a No Smoking Ares since it does not produce real smoke so people will not get all annoyed. Thus, it is very beneficial to get one of the top rated V2 Cigs for your smoking pleasure. Due to its popularity and usefulness, tons of electric cigarettes are now on the market. So which should you get? What are the shining brands in the list of the top rated electronic cigarettes? To start off, Blu E-Cigarettes is one of the top rated electronic cigarettes. Why? Because it has great flavors some of which are Vivid Vanilla, Java Jolt, and Classic Tobacco for those who just can't get enough of that taste. This E-cigarette does not have bitter aftertastes. Its most awesome feature is it is disposable! Yes Sir! Just like your old pal. So there is no need to wash it and keep it clean unlike other e-cigarettes. Just throw away the used one and refill. Others who made it in the list of the top rated electronic cigarettes are White Cloud, Green Smoke, and South Beach. Take your pick.