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Revision as of 13:55, 17 October 2011 by DanaJansens (Talk | contribs)

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Please read below to get write access!

Due to excessive spamming of the wiki, we've had to resort to turning off global write access. But we really do want you to contribute to the wiki.

All you need to do is verify that you are indeed a person.

  • 1) Send an email to the openbox mailing list to request access.
  • 2) Include your wiki username in the email.
  • 3) Maybe say hello and prove you are, indeed, a person. :)
Click here to send the email !

The email looks like this:

Subject:Wiki access
I am requesting access to edit the wiki.

My username is 

Please add me to the Person group:

Thank you!

You can see a list of other People in the wiki also.