Help:Using Openbox in GNOME

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Starting Openbox with GNOME

Figure 1: The GNOME/Openbox option when logging in

To log into the GNOME desktop environment with Openbox as your window manager, select the "GNOME/Openbox" option when logging in through GDM, which you can see in Figure 1.

If you don't use a graphical log in, you can use the openbox-gnome-session command to start a GNOME session with Openbox as your window manager.

Accessing gnome-panel with key bindings

Figure 2: The gnome-panel main menu

If you are using gnome-panel in Openbox and want to access it with key bindings, you can use the gnome-panel-control program (which is a part of Openbox) to do so.

Here is an example of two bindings to pop up the gnome-panel's main menu, and to pop up the "Run" dialog:

<keybind key="A-F1">
    <action name="execute"><execute>gnome-panel-control --main-menu</execute></action>
<keybind key="A-F2">
    <action name="execute"><execute>gnome-panel-control --run-dialog</execute></action>

Just add that to the <keyboard> section of your rc.xml configuration file, and change the keys to match your preferences. The keys shown are the defaults used by Metacity, the default window manager for GNOME.