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Here is a pipemenu for displaying your chromium bookmarks. Commented throughout.


# openbox-chromium 0.1a - openbox chrome browser bookmarks pipemenu
# Copyright (C) 2018
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# JSON::Tiny -
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON::Tiny qw(decode_json);

# Change the $bookmarks variable to reflect the location of your 
# chromium/google-chrome bookmarks. You can try "find ~/.config -name Bookmarks"
# if you're having trouble locating the file.
my $bookmarks = "/home/marston/.config/chromium/Profile 1/Bookmarks";
# And here you can enter the command you use to start up your browser.
# Tested with chromium and google-chrome on Debian 9.3
my $browser = "chromium";

# Build the Openbox menu header
print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
    . "<openbox_pipe_menu>\n";

# Lets open up that bookmarks file
my $file = do {
	local $/ = undef;
	open my $fh, "<", $bookmarks
		or die "could not open $bookmarks: $!";

# Now, get the bookmark JSON into a reference 
my $data = decode_json $file;
# Select only the "root" entries, only loop over what we need, essentially.
my $json = $data->{'roots'};

# Here is the main program loop...
foreach my $roots (%$json)
	# This is pretty shameful right here. I actually suspect I'm doing some
	# weird typing in the foreach loop above which causes me to have to cast
	# to an array... FECKING KLUDGE
	my @folders = $roots;
	foreach my $i (0 .. $#folders)
		# and then check if the supplied ref is a hash- otherwise
		# we end up with some weird arrays containing only the "root"
		# name of the bookmarks folder... Hope to fix in 0.2
		if ( (ref($folders[$i]) eq 'HASH') && 
		# This line allows us to skip printing any "root" folders with
		# no children.
	 	 (0+@{$folders[$i]->{'children'}} != 0) )
			# Now we can print the root folder destinations
			print "<menu id=\"".$folders[$i]->{'id'}."\" label=\"".$folders[$i]->{'name'}."\">\n";
			if ($folders[$i]->{'type'} eq "folder") {
				# lastly we start recursion over the children
				foreach my $sub_children ($folders[$i]->{'children'}) 
					# And let your backbone sliiiide...
					print "</menu> \n";

# Recursion function for bookmark "folders"
sub recurse
	my ($obtained) = @_;
	my @thing = @{$obtained};
	foreach my $t (0 .. $#thing)
		# If it's a folder with children, print and recurse
		if ( ($thing[$t]->{'type'} eq "folder") &&
		 (0+@{$thing[$t]->{'children'}} != 0) ) {
			print "<menu id=\"".$thing[$t]->{'id'}."\" label=\"".$thing[$t]->{'name'}."\"> \n";
			my @folder = $thing[$t]->{'children'};
			foreach my $z (0 .. $#folder)
			print "</menu>";
		} elsif ($thing[$t]->{'type'} eq "url") {
			print "<item label=\"".$thing[$t]->{'name'}."\">\n"
			    . "  <action name=\"Execute\">\n"
			    . "    <execute>\n"
			    . "     ".$browser." ".$thing[$t]->{'url'}."\n"
			    . "    </execute>\n"
			    . "  </action>\n"
			    . "</item>\n";

print "</openbox_pipe_menu>\n";