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Originally appeared on the repository.

Retrieved from the depths of the Wayback Machine.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import re
import string
import sys
from os.path import isdir

# ---------------------------------- About ----------------------------------- #
# This file inserts a wallpaper pipe menu into Openbox which uses feh          #
# in order to set the wallpaper from a chosen directory.                       #
#									       #
# Authors: dav1d(main author) and Pwnz3r(hacker and redistributor)	       #
#									       #
# Dav1d's site:			       #
# Pwnz3r's site:				       #
#									       #
# ------------------------------ Setting it up ------------------------------- #
# feh automatically inserts the full command string used to set the wallpaper  #
# into ~/.fehbg. In order to set the wallpaper back at the next start of       #
# Openbox, just add the following to ~/.xinitrc.                               #
#									       #
# eval `cat ~/.fehbg`							       #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# types of files accepted (list, seperated by a |)
filetypes = "jpg|png|gif"
# directory where wallpapers are stored (must be long: no ~ symbol allowed)
directory = sys.argv[1]
# program to set wallpaper defined in the command string
program = "feh --bg-scale"

def genmenu(start, directory):
	# get a directory list
	dirlist = os.listdir(directory)
	for d in dirlist:
		# set di to overall directory
		di = directory + "/" + d
		# if we get a dir, generate a menu
		if isdir(di) and ".thumbnails" not in di:
			print ""
			print "  <menu id=\"" + di + "\" label=\"" + d + "\" >"
			genmenu(start, di)
			print "  </menu>"
		# if we get a file, check if it is a valid type
			if, string.lower(di)) > 0:
				# make fi variable just filename, without extension
				fi = string.replace(string.replace(di, directory, ""), "/", "")
				fi = fi[:string.rfind(fi, ".")]
				# if so, add it to the pipe menu
				print "  <item label=\"" + fi + "\">"
				# execute line to set wallpaper
				print "    <action name=\"Execute\"><execute>" + program + " \"" + di + "\"</execute></action>"
				# if we want to update config file, do so
				print "  </item>"

def main():

	# start menu
	print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
	print "<openbox_pipe_menu>"
	# set the original start directory
	start = directory
	# generate menu
	genmenu(start, directory)
	# end menu
	print "</openbox_pipe_menu>"

# run the main() function		
if __name__ == "__main__":
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